Our sperm donor search process
Donor Concierge will find your perfect sperm donor match within three weeks
Our team starts by listening to you and your specific sperm donor criteria. We keep your dream list top of mind as we search our database of thousands of sperm donor profiles and curate a top list of sperm donor candidates that fit your family’s needs.
Our goal is to provide you with the best sperm donor options possible. We lean on our deep preferential relationships with over 30 FDA-approved sperm banks and agencies to make this happen. Why spend all the time and money to register on individual sperm bank sites with clunky search approaches and baseline donor info if in about 2 to 3 weeks, we will share a portfolio of top-tier choices that are aligned to your desired criteria? Our commitment is to advocate for you every step of the way.
After you’ve picked your preferred sperm donor, here’s what your case manager will do next:
We connect with your fertility clinic team to let them know the outcome of your search
We introduce you to the sperm bank and liaise on your behalf for follow-up information
We will explain how to purchase the correct number of vials and clinic shipment procedures
We answer all your questions, so you feel well-equipped for the entire process
If you’re a Private Client, we will continue to provide support through your post-natal journey
We’re proud and happy to see you off towards your next family-building step.
Your expert case manager will present you with a handpicked list of sperm donor profiles that closely match your desired criteria. While many sperm banks charge additional fees to view more information about their donors, our unique partnerships allow free access to full profiles for Donor Concierge clients.
Schedule a free donor search consultation with a Donor Concierge case manager. Our team will ask you questions about your fertility journey and donor goals during this meeting. You’ll also learn more about how to find a sperm donor with Donor Concierge and answer any questions you have about the sperm donor process.
Step 3
Pick your preferred sperm donor!
Step 2
Take time to review a curated list of profiles
Step 1
Tell us your goals
Service Offerings
Our team pioneered the fertility concierge approach to be the most cost-effective and time-sensitive option possible for your growing family. Our three-week turnaround time gives you confidence that as soon as you become a Donor Concierge client, your growing family becomes our top priority.
A difference that's priceless
Private Client
Donor Concierge Private Client is a service for intended parents seeking the highest level of attention, confidentiality, and expert guidance on their sperm donor search and family-building journey.
Our private client search package will carry you from sperm donor search through your post-natal plan.