Who can be a Gestational Carrier?
Following are the basic requirements and steps for a successful surrogate journey. Surrogacy can be a fairly complex process and SurrogateRN will be your advocate to help you to find a rewarding surrogacy relationship and experience.
Basic Surrogate Qualifications:
- Each of our gestational surrogates is required to:
- Be a female between the ages of 23 and 38
- Have given birth to at least one child but not more than 5
- Enjoy being pregnant
- Reside in a surrogate-friendly state such as Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, or Wisconsin (we can help you determine if your state is surrogate friendly) with no plans to move
- Have a BMI of 30 or under (height and weight)
- Be a non-smoker
- Have no history of drug or alcohol abuse
- Have no criminal background
- Have had easy pregnancies without complications (conditions that are considered pregnancy complications would include pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and high blood pressure)
- Have had no more than two c-sections
- Live in a clean and stable environment
- Be financially stable (if you are on public assistance you risk losing your benefits)
- Have a strong support network
- Understand and speak English
- Have reliable transportation
- And, of course, have the desire to help someone become a parent!
While these requirements may seem strict, we follow ASRM and FDA guidelines which have been established by surrogacy agencies and physicians in order to protect the health of surrogates and newborns.
The profile of a typical surrogate is a compassionate woman in her twenties or thirties who has had a couple of children of her own and enjoys being pregnant. She loves being a mom but has already completed her family and wants to help someone who has struggled to become a parent to realize their dreams of a family. Beyond these basic requirements, we are particularly looking for surrogates who are well educated, come from stable and loving home environments, who communicate well with others, and are caring individuals who truly want to make a difference in the world.
What Are Couples Hoping to Find in a Surrogate?
- Someone who they can count on and trust implicitly
- Someone who has a positive attitude
- Someone who recognizes the loss and disappointment they have faced
- Someone who will communicate openly, honestly, and consistently
- Someone who is as committed as they are to creating their dream of a family
- Someone who will follow the doctor’s orders and surrogacy protocol diligently
Surrogacy requires a high level of caring and commitment on your part. Everyone will be counting on you to do everything you can to make the cycle a success. Your benefit is the financial compensation and the knowledge that you helped someone realize their dream of a family.