Asian Egg Donors Are in High Demand: A Note to Agencies
There is an influx of Chinese couples coming to the U.S. for fertility treatment in need of both egg donors and surrogates. While most Chinese couples search for 100% Chinese egg donors, some are open to donors of other ethnic backgrounds. Too often, we find that agencies state only that a donor is 'Asian', but don't state the donor’s specific heritage. This is too general and your donor will probably be passed over.
The couples who come to the U.S. for fertility treatment tend to be well educated and value academic achievement in the donors they seek. While some may be satisfied with egg donors who have a two year degree (AA), most want to see that the candidates who have a four year degree (BS or BA) as a minimum requirement. This helps them to have some measure for intelligence and drive.
Donor blood type is very important to these couples since using an egg donor will, in most cases, be a family secret as egg donation is not culturally accepted by many of their families and communities. If you don't know the blood type of your Asian egg donors, now is the time to have them tested at a lab or donate blood since they learn their blood type while doing so. Presenting your Asian egg donors with as much information as possible is key.
Age is also a crucial factor. Asian woman tend to not respond as well as Caucasian women to fertility treatment. When it comes to choosing donors, they often ask for donors under the age of 25 to increase their odds. They may be willing to consider egg donors up to age 27 but usually only if these donors are previous successful egg donors. Unfortunately, many of the agencies we visit have Asian egg donors who are over 27 and even over 30. Most reproductive endocrinologist (REs) will not approve an Asian egg donor who is over 27 unless she is a blood relative.
We work with couples looking for Asian egg donors every week and have worked with several hundred over the years. These are all common issues for Asian intended parents. I hope you find this helpful as you recruit more Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese egg donors as these factors are also true for many other Asian intended parents.